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It was also incorporated as on August 16, 1963, as Aeronautics India Limited, a private limited company under the Companies Act, 1956. Subsequently, Hindustan Aircraft Limited, which is a company incorporated as on December 23, 1940, under the Companies Act, 1913 was being merged with the company, according to the Aircraft Companies Amalgamation order dated September 28, 1964, was passed by the Company Law Board. The company name was changed to Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, by a certificate of change of name issued by the Registrar of Companies, Maharashtra as of December 5, 1964, with effect from October 1, 1964. Also, the company's status was changed to the public limited company by a special resolution of the members of the company being passed at the Extra Ordinary General Meeting being held on July 10, 1995. On June 27, 2007, it was also notified as a Navratna company by the Department of Public Enterprises, GoI via notification bearing number DPE OM No. 26(3)/2005-GM-GL-86. And as a Navratna company, it is also eligible for some enhanced delegation of powers to the Board that include greater autonomy to incur capital expenditure for its projects without the GoI approval and also permits them to make investments in joint ventures as well as subsidiaries in India and overseas, if any, subject to an investment ceiling set by the Government of India.

Some of the Milestones:

  • 1964: Hindustan Aircraft Limited was amalgamated with the company according to the order of the Company Law Board as of September 28, 1964.
  • 1970: It established the Helicopter factory at Bangalore.
  • 1983: It also established the Korwa Division for Advanced Avionics at Korwa, Uttar Pradesh.
  • 1998: It established the Industrial and Marine Gas Turbine Division for aero-derivative gas turbines and industrial engines at Bangalore.
  • 2000: It also established the Airport Service Centre at Bangalore.
  • 2006: It also upgraded the Barrackpore Branch Factory to a Division.
  • 2008: It created a separate Helicopter Complex.
  • 2015: The restructuring of all R&D Centres under the Design Complex.
  • 2016:
  • An up-gradation of the Korwa branch of Aerospace Systems and Equipment Research and Design Centre to an R&D Centre.
  • Also, a 100% subsidiary of the company, Naini Aerospace Limited, was incorporated as of December 29, 2016.
  • 2017: Also a subsidiary of the company named Indo-Russian Helicopters Limited was formed as a joint venture by a Shareholders’ Agreement dated October 15, 2016, and incorporated on May 2, 2017.
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