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It manufactures a diverse portfolio of steel products, with a product range that includes flat products and long products, as well as some non-steel products such as ferroalloys and minerals, and tubes & bearings. The Company, via its Indian operations, is a large manufacturer of ferrochrome and steel wires in India and a supplier of chrome ore globally. Its main markets include the Indian construction, automotive and general engineering industries. Its main facilities have been historically concentrated around the Indian city of Jamshedpur (Jharkhand), where the Company operates a 6.8 mtpa crude steel production plant and a variety of finishing plants close to the iron ore and coal reserves. In February 2005, it acquired the steel-related businesses of NatSteel Asia, with facilities located in Singapore, China, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Australia. It also entered into a Brand Equity and Business Promotion Agreement with the Promoter dated December 18, 1998, for the use of the Tata name.Some of the Milestones:
- 1910: It obtained its first colliery.
- 1912:The first ingot rolls out and bars mills commence operations and introduction of 8-hour working day.
- 1938:Also, the launch of an electric process for making steel which was employed for the production of high-grade iron and steel casting.
- 1972-1973: Also, the Coal fine washeries were set up for the first time in Jamadoba and West Bokaro.
- 1980-1996: Its modernization program of the Jamshedpur steelworks was initiated in four phases during this period.
- 2000:
- The cold rolling mill set up at Jamshedpur. The mill was completed in a record time of 26 months.
- The creation of a B2B portal called in collaboration with SAIL and Kalyani Steel.
- 2001:The World Steel Dynamics ranked Tata Steel as India’s only World-class steel maker.
- 2003:
- It launched its first branded cold rolled steel product called Tata Steelium.
- It celebrated its 75 years of industrial harmony.
- 2004: Its biggest blast furnace completes production of 14 million tons of hot metal which is the highest production achieved by a blast furnace in India in its first campaign.
- 2005:
- It acquired NatSteel Asia in Singapore.
- It launched Steel Junction that is India’s first organized retail store for steel products.
- It is also ranked as the World’s Best Steel Maker by World Steel Dynamics.
- 2006:
- Its steelworks at Jamshedpur crossed 5 million tonnes mark in crude steel production.
- It is ranked again as the World’s Best Steel Maker by World Steel Dynamics.
- It acquired Corus that makes it the sixth-largest steelmaker in terms of actual crude steel production.
- It was conferred the Prime Minister of India’s Trophy for the Best Integrated Steel Plant.
- 2008:
- The 1.8 mtpa capacity expansion at Jamshedpur becomes operational and bringing total crude steel production capacity to 6.8 mtpa.
- It was awarded the Demining Application Prize.
- It was awarded the TERI Corporate Award for its HIV/AIDS initiative.
- 2009:
- It issued Global Depository Receipts worth US$ 500 million.
- It was awarded the CSR Excellence Award 2010 by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
- It was awarded the FE-EVI Green Business Leadership Award in the iron and steel category.
- Both Tata Ryerson and HMPCL merged with Tata Steel.
Some of the Achievements:
- It was awarded the ‘Economic Times Company of the Year Award.’
- It was conferred the Indian Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise award for sustained excellence in the field of knowledge management.
- Also, the Tubes Division of the Company won the 16th JRD QV Award.
- 2010:
- Both Corus and SSI signed MoU for the potential sale of Teesside Cast Products.
- Its joint venture for production and sales of Automotive Cold Rolled Flat Products.
- It signed a Memorandum of Understanding with NMDC.
- It executed an agreement for the refinancing of its debt in Europe.
- It increased its stake in New Millennium Capital Corporation.
- It won the Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (or MAKE) Winner in 2010 for sustained excellence in the field of Knowledge Management.
- 2011:
- Also, the Tata Steel - Joint Venture for Automotive Cold-Rolled Flat Products.
- It signed a definitive agreement with SSI for the sale of TCP.
- It also conferred with ABCI Awards.
- Also, TSRDS Jharia received the Best NGO award.
- It bagged two prestigious awards at the MMMM Exhibition 2011.
- It won the 'The Businessworld Most Respected Company Award 2011.
- 2012:
- Also, the Safety & Health Excellence Recognition 2012 awarded to Tata Steel by Worldsteel Association.
- It conferred with the prestigious Asian MAKE Award for Transforming Enterprise Knowledge into Stakeholder Value.
- It conferred With the Prestigious 'AWARD FOR LEADERSHIP' in HR Excellence at the CII National HR Conclave 2012.
- It restructured to improve the competitiveness of UK operations via market cycles.
- It secured a major profiled steel plate order for Siemens wind towers.
- It expanded its aerospace operations in China by opening its second aerospace service center in the country.
- 2013:
- It was awarded the 'CII-ITC Sustainability Prize’ in the 'Category A' for Large Independent Company at the CII-ITC Sustainability Awards 2012.
- It formed an alliance with Labrador Iron Mines Holdings Limited (LIM) to assist operations in Labrador trough.
- It received approval for the amalgamation of TML & TMKPL with the company by the Board of Directors.
- It sets up a new 6mn tonne steel plant for the Odisha project.
- It signed a 5-year contract with Safran Group, a wholly-owned subsidiary of American International Group, Inc.
- It bagged contracts to serve Network Rail, Britain for five more years.
- 2014:
- It won a 2-year contract to supply rail tracks to the French rail operator.
- It inaugurated the UK's largest plate service center in the West Midlands.
- It signed contracts to supply pipes to Subsea 7.
- It bagged Asian Corporate Social Responsibility (or CSR) Leadership Award for Community Development.
- 2015:
- It launched an innovative and stronger structural steel tube product in Europe.
- It approved the Scheme of amalgamation between Tata Steel Limited and Tata Metaliks Limited and Tata Metaliks Dl Pipes Limited.
- It signed a Letter of Intent regarding the Long Products Europe business.
- 2016:
- It received a green nod for Rs 1,877 cr expansion project.
- It calls for two subsidiaries merger.
- It received a contribution to an investment project.
- It inaugurated the daycare facility for employees.
- It declared partnership for its Canadian Iron Ore Mines.
- It won three awards for Excellence in Value Engineering at INVEST 32nd National & 5th Asian Value Engineering Conference held in New Delhi.
- It received ‘The Best Companies to Work for Award’ by Business Today.’
- It bagged the Most Ethical Company Award for the 4th time.
- It was bestowed with the Golden Peacock Innovative Product/ Service Award.
- It conferred with the ‘Tata Affirmative Action Program’ Jury Award.
- It is also India’s first steel manufacturing company to receive ‘Greenco Platinum’ rating from the CII Green Building Council.
- 2017:
- It inaugurated Cold Rolling Mill Complex BARA Phase II.
- Its Tata Stee's Katamati Mine won the Best Green Award.
- The Kalinganagar hot metal production crossed the 2 MT mark.
- It’s the first Greenfield Ferro-Chrome Plant in India at Gopalpur Starts Production.
- It commissioned its 1st 3 MW solar power plant at Noamundi.
- It commissioned its mine air cooling system at Digwadih.